Vloggers Who Say "Guys" Too Much

  Ugh... here's a trigger that I fear will only get worse with age. Repetitious speech patters and/or lyrics! Funny for an aspie to feel that way. You may not understand why I just said that unless you have  enough knowledge on autism to make the connection that autistic people can be very repetitious with their speech.

  I'm not one of those aspies though, or at least, I don't perceive myself to be (LOL). I don't take a word I've just learned from my 'Word of the Day' calendar and start using it an obnoxious number of times per day, or incorporate fad words and phrases into my vocabulary as soon as it becomes trendy, then abuse the shit out of them. If I do use popular culture in any manner of my being, it's usually done in a playful, mocking, or child-like tone. I still have never used "said no one ever" (other than writing it just now) or "Not!" when being sarcastic. Can you believe there are still people who say "Not!" when being sarcastic? We should just save that one for recollections of the terrible 90's.

  I find it hard to listen to someone who has a redundant manner of articulating themselves. I suppose one could say these kinds of irks are also an aspie trait.
No, I'm not trying to make any of my audience self conscious. Nor am I condemning it as a wrong way of being or speaking. But I will take this moment to remind you of the title of this blog. You will definitely be getting my opinions on every topic I throw out there in as honest a way as I'm am capable of being.
  So let's get down to the business of discussing the title of this particular blog post "Vloggers Who Say 'Guys' Too Much". Here is an example of what I mean:

  "Hey guys! Thanks so much showing up to read my blog, guys! I'm really trying to grow my followers and I need your help to do so, guys! Guys, this is going to eventually be my lively-hood I'm hoping, so make sure you read me every day, guys! OMG guys... I'm so excited about this new venture, but guys, I would not even be attempting it if I didn't have your support, guys. So please help me out by reading me every day. Also make sure you share my content on your social media, guys! Thanks so much for letting me annoy you with my redundancy!"

  You get the picture. But of course if a vlogger were doing this they would be saying "watch" and "watching" instead of "read" or "reading".  I'm only pointing that out to appease all the you damn context nazis. Oh wait... that's me again. And before I forget, let me just point out how annoying it was for me to read all those exclamation points in that wall of text while proofreading it. Totally unnecessary. 


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