Babies Don't Need Fades!!!

  Yep... My first ever post for this blog is going to be a hairstylist rant!

  You know what I've learned about babies and haircuts the twenty plus years I've been doing hair?
Almost ALL babies are afraid of clippers. You know why I think this is? Because they make buzzing noises, cut stuff, and because a total stranger is the one holding them very close to sensitive baby skin.

  Does this deter certain parents from asking you to give their twelve to eighteen month old boy a complex clipper cut that requires you to take the guard off? Nope!
Can somebody please explain to me why a baby needs a skin fade like dad? Better yet... explain to me why any parent would risk the safety of their child for fashion or to be daddy's little clone?

  If I had to choose who gets to be the top of my list of dreaded clients, it would have to be young boys and their mothers/fathers. Parents are willing to traumatize their kids for "as short as you can get it" so they don't have to come back for a while. They will tell you they don't expect it to be perfect, but they so do.

  Ever seen a parent squeeze their baby boy's face until they make fish lips to keep them from moving their heads? I have. Many, many times.
"It's not hurting you!" they have the nerve to say, as I rake a clipper comb across baby's tender scalp. How do you know he's not being hurt? It especially disturbs me when a parent tells their little boy to stop being a cry baby, sissy, or little girl. People still tell boys this in 2019? Really??

  While we're on the subject of boys and their parents- can we please start teaching our sons how to properly communicate their haircuts to stylists before they enter high school? I haven't raised a son of my own, but I'd like to think I wouldn't coddle him to the point that he needs mommy to explain how to cut his hair all the way up to senior year and beyond!

  I have wives explaining their husbands haircuts for them! WHY???
Just stop! Stop enabling such laziness. OH, OH... and hygiene! PLEASE TEACH YOUR SONS HOW TO WASH THEIR HAIR! Why are we so worried about perfect skin fades on him when he's not even old enough to walk, but when he's school age, are willing to let him out of the house with hair that hasn't been washed properly in two weeks?

  Before I get carried away though- let's go back to the original subject.
If your baby is too young to sit on his own and be perfectly still and calm- no fades y'all. That's period! If your baby is freaking the F out to the point where he cannot be consoled- haircut over. Just let the hair grow! Do you really need strangers to know for sure he's a boy? Is it really more important for him to look clean cut in his baby pictures, than for him to feel safe?

  Let it go. It's not as important as you seem to think.


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