The Ghost of Alan Rickman

This poem is now dedicated to one of his truest fans: Cyclone Alan @SnapeyWapey
who has given me permission to use his sketch for this post. 

I was going to meet the great Alan Rickman while he was still alive
I guess I thought he'd live to be at least one hundred and five

We would have met at Hogwarts for a picnic lunch and tea
Then spent our evening pulling pranks on that chick who plays Nanny McPhee

Into the night we'd have long talks with good Sense and Sensibility 
I'd ask, "Have you enjoyed your life?"
He'd say, "Truly, Madly, Deeply."

To meet someone who lived life so well- a Die Hard fan can dream
Did I really run out of time to meet him?
Unfortunately, I did it would seem

You see, cancer took our beloved Alan before his time was due
No magic wand can bring him back so we don't have to face this as true

I guess it might be selfish of me to want him still around
Possibly haunting some school of magic and bossing the students around

Oh, he will be haunting us throughout all time as legends always do
As long as we pass his legacy on to our children and their children too

When I am 80, still watching his films- dreaming of another
'some day'...
My grandchildren will ask me, "After all this time?"
And in tears I will whisper, "Always."

RIP Alan Rickman- I will never forget you.
Written- January 16, 2016


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