I Did Everything I Came Here to Do

Posted October 16, 2018 7:00 PM

 The day after my nephew Cameron died I sat down at a little cafe in New Zealand, and wrote a poem. At the time I didn’t think it was very good. So I never shared it or told anyone about it. But just in case I wanted to come back to it another time, I put it in my lock box and thought nothing more of it.

Today while I was sorting through that box, looking for something else and throwing away things I no longer need, I pulled that poem out and read it. Sometimes it’s better to tuck things you write away, and let the fog clear before you toss it out or try to change it. Turns out, the poem was perfect just the way it was.
And with my sister Jacqueline’s permission, I post it here for you:

Written: January 2018

I did everything I came here to do...
Gone too soon
That’s what many will say to you
A waste of youth

Don’t listen to them
Don’t write your history of me while you’re in pain
You’ll think of all the times you could have said things differently
I could have too

You’ll think of all the goals I had that were never reached
I accomplished the ones I was meant to
And in the time we had together... so did you

I did everything I came here to do


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