
Showing posts from May, 2019

90's Telivision Attempts At "Real Life" Script Writing- Part Two: My So-Called Life

  If there's one television series I am haunted by 20+ years after its making, My So-Called Life is that. I know I'm not unique in this experience. I know about the massive campaign that was run to try and save it. I've read the fan pages and the interviews. People want to know what would have happened next. Not only because it had a short 19 episode life, but because it had so much potential for greatness no other of its kind did. Its cancellation left everyone hanging after the creator had only just begun fleshing out these characters and their relationships. Relationships and situations that would have only filled the pages of half a novel were it a book. So it feels like someone tore in half the only copy in existence, and burned the half with all the answers in it. Those questions will never get an answer. Not by the original creator anyway. Oh fine, so two decades go by and she's willing to give us a tiny taste of what was coming next, in an interview. But t...

Aspie Obsession

  I posted the meme you see above to my Instagram last year, and it cracks me up every single time I see it, no matter how many times! The look on that kid is so priceless too. It's what one of my daughters looks like when she's online, and how my other daughter looks when it comes to Anime. And perhaps I would have looked this happy about my interests too, if I hadn't had the kind of upbringing I had. But perhaps not. I can't really know if I would be any different than what I was.   After all, I'd still be autistic and I'd also still be me. We aren't all carbon copies of some original form. That being said, I may not be able to speak for all autistic people on how they handle their obsessions, but I can  tell you that we all tend to be hyper-focused on what we're interested in, and little else. These "special interests" may manifest differently from person to person, or you may not even know someone has them if like me (when I was young)...

90's Television Attempts At "Real Life" Script Writing- Part One: Dawson's Creek

  To begin with, I didn’t get into Dawson’s Creek when it was first shown- 1998 to 2003. Every once in a while I’d run across it and attempt to follow along, but found it cringy back then. Even Jen Lindley's tragic tale of teen sex and boozy rave parties-- the reasons she got shipped off to Capeside, couldn't hold the smallest flame to my real life script.   Right off, her storyline wasn't convincing, because as worldly as she supposedly was by sixteen, her choosing to hang out with a bunch of wide-eyed virgins who are terrified to leave Neverland, makes no sense to me. In real life she would have gravitated to a more dysfunctional crew. Though I will add that she'd probably go after Dawson as a conquest. And then... the virginal Dawson would have been deflowered by the third episode, and they'd have to figure out some other way to draw out the whole "who's going to win Joey over the right way " saga.   I suppose it was wise of them to write ...