Empathy and Autism

I was going to write a scathing blog post about how slightly disappointed I was with the last three seasons of 'Awkward.' now that I've finally watched them, and yes, you read that right... I did use the word "scathing" to describe how I was planning to write about something only slightly disappointing to me. But there's a matter far more pressing I think I should write about first, and the reason I let you, the reader, know about what I would have written had nothing pressed at me harder, is because telling you how I would write a review shredding something that brought me pleasure, many laughs and a great escape, perfectly encapsulates my personality and my aspie brain. Of course... I'm still going to write that scathing review. No matter how much sentimental residue clings to me once I'm finished with this one. I still have to be me. For a short while now, I have been working a job that has nothing to do with hair. Kind of a summer...